Once we’ve shipped your package, you will be emailed a confirmation email with a tracking number. Please keep in mind that tracking numbers may take up to 24 hours to appear while the package is delivered to the shipping facility. Check back roughly one business day after you’ve ordered to access tracking information. If you are having additional problems tracking your package, copy and paste the tracking number into the FedEx website.
If you would like to request an order change and we haven’t shipped your item(s), we may be able to help! Contact our team via email at or by phone at 1-800-295-1229 (Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm CST). We promise to do everything we can to assist with your order. However, if your order is already in transit, we will not be able to make changes.
We ship within the United States mainland. If you are shipping to Alaska or Hawaii, please contact us at for a more accurate shipping quote. We do not currently ship outside the United States. All of our orders are shipped using USPS Priority or First Class Mail, UPS, DHL, OnTrac, or FedEx.
At McGovern Outdoor, we believe in 100 percent customer satisfaction! If you are not happy with your order, you may return your item(s) within 30 days for a full refund or exchange. If you need to return an item, simply send us an email at or login to your account. We will notify you via email of your refund once we've received and processed the returned item.
Your refund will be issued within four weeks. Shipping costs are non-refundable.
On the rare occasion your order is incorrect or defective in any way, please contact us right away so that we can make this right! Email us at or give us a call at 1-800-295-1229 (Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Central).
McGovern Outdoor is proudly partnered with all of the National Parks. Our designs are approved by an interpretive National Park ranger for authenticity.
McGovern Outdoor works extremely hard to keep our inventory up to date, but in the instance, an item of your choice is out of stock, please add your email in the field under “Notify me when this product is available” within the production description. We will inform you as soon as the product is back in stock!
All McGovern Outdoor shirts are made of 35% ring-spun USA made cotton and 65% polyester. Super soft and wrinkle-resistant, our shirts are not only comfortable but look great too!
McGovern Outdoor's shirts are unisex cut and true to size. Most designs are available in small through 2XL.
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