Giving back to the wondrous landscapes that bring us awe, adventure, and infinite beauty is our highest honor. McGovern & Co. is fully committed to preserving our parks and other wild places while sparking a thirst for stewardship among our inner-city youth. We let our passion lead the way, fostering meaningful partnerships that make an impact on our community.
McGovern & Co. dedicates 1% of total sales to select programs for their unwavering commitment to educating and inspiring the next generation of explorers and stewards. We understand how vital it is to support organizations that are advocates in preserving the wonders of our world. That is why we lend a hand, not just with our sales, but also through active partnerships. We collaborate with our stewardship partners for fundraising events to aid in the preservation of historic hiking trails and life-changing wildlife adventures for our youth.
We never fully realize the positive impact outdoor experiences have on young lives. The thrill of summiting a mountain, the excitement of catching a fish, the joy of sleeping under the stars, and the friendship of a caring adult mentor. Outdoor experiences can be transformational for the youth who are itching for discovery. Unfortunately, not every child has the opportunity nor the resources to enjoy outdoors and take in the benefits of being connected to nature.
Our strength in the community lies in our stewardship partners. By working with organizations like Big City Mountaineers, we help children of all backgrounds experience the wonders of nature. For more than 30 years, Big City Mountaineers have given under-resourced youth an increased sense of self, an understanding of their place in the natural world, a passion for life-long learning, and a commitment to environmental stewardship. Their model removes social barriers and encourages participation in outdoor activities. They outfit their students from head to toe to ensure they’re warm, dry, and safe. Most importantly, they provide a community of peers for the youth to share these experiences with, surrounding them with caring adult mentors that provide support and encouragement while in the backcountry.
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